We base our strategic advisory practice around the CMC Common Body of Knowledge, the standard best practices methodology endorsed by the Canadian Association of Management Consultants, and the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes. We run our consulting engagements on the foundation of the CMC Code of Conduct, the internationally-recognized standard for ethical and professional consultancy practices and behaviour.
Smartpoint is a certified partner of Organizational Excellence Specialists ®, providing strategic advisory guidance on organizational improvement within the context of the global business excellence frameworks.
For the appropriate client engagement, Smartpoint also uses three effective tools from the experts at Business Diagnostics ® to assess your business, isolate critical issues, and develop actionable recommendations: the Strategic Business Assessment (SBA), the Enterprise Review Summary (ERS), and the Strategic Team Review (STR). These models leverage proven diagnostics, tactical and strategic knowledge, and a strong team facilitation capability to help guide clients as they manage growth and build a sustainable business.